77caa5efbb447c5714f92938ba2d883c What is Total Body Enhancement at Planet Fitness: Unleashing Your Inner Glow


For years, the well-known workout establishment Planet workout has helped people reach their health and wellbeing objectives. What is Total Body Enhancement at Planet Fitness, Total Body Enhancement stands out as a ground-breaking feature among its array of state-of-the-art amenities and promises to take your fitness journey to new heights. This blog will dig into the wonders of Planet Fitness’ Total Body Enhancement, examining its advantages, workings, and potential to revolutionise your workout regimen.

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What is Total Body Enhancement?

Exclusive to Planet Fitness, Total Body augmentation is a cutting-edge full-body augmentation technique. It combines whole-body vibration and red light treatment to rejuvenate your body from the inside out. This special combination promotes a variety of advantages, such as muscular healing, enhanced circulation, better skin tone, and a revitalising sensation of general well-being.

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How Does it Work?

Red Light Therapy: To boost the skin’s cellular activity, the Total Body Enhancement booth uses specialised red LED lights. This non-invasive procedure boosts collagen formation, which lessens the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles. Additionally, red light therapy supports a smoother, more youthful-looking complexion by enhancing skin texture.

Whole-Body Vibration: The whole-body vibration platform is the second element of the Total Body Enhancement experience. Through oscillating motions, this platform activates your muscles, resulting in greater muscular activation and circulation. You can benefit from increased flexibility, greater muscular tone, and perhaps even increased calorie burning as a consequence.

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Benefits of Total Body Enhancement:

Enhanced Muscle Recovery: Muscle weariness is a typical side effect of working out, whether you’re a fitness aficionado or just a regular gym goer. By encouraging blood flow to your muscles, Total Body Enhancement helps with muscle repair. You may exercise more frequently and more intensely because of the accelerated healing due to the enhanced circulation, which also helps to lessen discomfort.

Improved Skin Health: The red light treatment used in Total Body Enhancement not only helps to improve skin tone, but also fights the signs of ageing and environmental stress. Embrace a brighter, more youthful complexion and bid farewell to dreary skin.

Circulation is improved: When red light treatment and whole-body vibration are used together, the blood flow throughout the body is considerably improved. Enhancing circulation makes it possible for vital nutrients and oxygen to reach your muscles more effectively, enhancing their function as you exercise.

Confidence Boost: Regular visits to the Total Body Enhancement booth can give you a more energising and confident sensation. The endorphin release from the whole-body vibration and the better physical appearance can both increase mood and general well-being.

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How to Incorporate Total Body Enhancement into Your Routine

Consider include Total Body Enhancement in your training regimen 2-3 times per week to reap the maximum rewards. You may use this workout as a supplement to your normal workouts to help you reach your fitness objectives more quickly and successfully.

Pre-Workout: Use Total Body Enhancement to improve blood flow and loosen up your muscles before your workout. You may be able to improve your workout performance as a consequence, getting better outcomes.

Post-Workout: To hasten muscle recovery and lessen discomfort following a hard workout, treat yourself to a Total Body Enhancement session.

On days when you don’t work out, use Total Body Enhancement to unwind and reduce your tension. Indulging in some self-care and fostering general wellbeing can be made possible by the calming effects of red light therapy and whole-body vibration.

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More than simply another exercise benefit, Total Body Enhancement at Planet exercise is a transforming experience that may advance your fitness goals and increase your self-confidence. This cutting-edge device offers a variety of advantages, from muscular recovery and enhanced circulation to healthier, more radiant skin, by combining the power of red light therapy and whole-body vibration. At Planet Fitness, embrace the Total Body Enhancement experience to realise the full potential of your body. Never forget that Total Body Enhancement is the first step on your path to a healthier, more fit, and more confident you.

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